Education for Ministry (EFM)… Education for the laity

Education for Ministry or EfM is a course of theological study and discussion, led by a mentor for small groups of laypeople. The study component consists of not just the Old and New Testaments, but also church history, and theology, ethics and interfaith issues.

Using all of this information and a person’s own background, you will take part in discussions of current events and culture, questions of faith and Scripture.  As you progress, you will see how all can be integrated into your daily life. You will begin to learn and understand how our faith forms and informs us on every level.   In the process you will learn how to talk about your faith with others.

EfM was begun in 1975 at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. It is now worldwide, and in many Canadian dioceses. EfM is used by both Anglican and Lutheran parishes but all denominations are welcome.  Anyone with an interest and an open mind is welcome. The groups can be formed from one parish or from multiple parishes. EfM is one of the ways of living the second Mark of Mission.

For more information on EfM around the world: or or

Locally, for more information or to begin a group, contact:

Libi Clifford, EfM Diocesan Coordinator and/or the Rev’d Val Kenyon, EfM Animator at:

Education for Ministry Series – Huron Church News: 

Life-long Learning: Understanding Ourselves, March 2019

Participating in an EfM Group Could Be a Valuable Opportunity, February 2019

Theological Reflection: A Spirit of Inquiry, October 2018

EfM Participants Share: So What Keeps You Coming Back, April 2018

EfM Participants Reflect: A Journey of Exploration, March 2018

Education for Ministry from the Inside Out: Reflection of an EfM Mentor, February 2018

Education for Ministry Helps Us to Become a People of Mission, January 2018