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By Libi Clifford

Every year I am so very thankful that I live in a part of the world where there are four very different seasons in the year.

Each season has its own colours, events, temperatures, and activities. I enjoy them all but the one for which I get most impatient, is autumn and specifically the month of September. September can represent new beginnings, reconnections and sometimes even wiping the slate clean.

Summer, with its fewer meetings and demands, is the time to pray for help in discerning what is important, what new activities are appealing, what activities need to be continued and what activities no longer give pleasure and should be eliminated. It is a chance to restart.  

I have learned that I no longer have the time or stamina to join into all that is offered so good choices are essential.  A conversation with God, where I really listen to where He is leading me, helps me to move forward in September. Opportunities seem to be overwhelming especially now that online is also an option, but meditation and prayer seem to make the decision making easier.

The decision making makes September a month of emotion. There is apprehension and excitement in beginning new activities, using new resources, and maybe learning new things. 

There is joy in re-connecting with friends not seen in the summer and restarting familiar routines. There is also sadness in letting things go, having to say “no” but there is also a sense of relief in seeing someone else take on what had become merely a duty.

With God’s help, you can embrace the restart whatever you decide to do, knowing that in a year - there will be another September.

Father, You are always there to listen. Help me to walk forward this September.
Thank you that I can enter into a new dawn, a fresh start, and perhaps a new freedom. |
You turn the pages of my life and help me write the new ones. I thank you for the opportunities.
Help me to feel that I can use what I have learned in the past and move on.
Help me discern what I can do for you and with you in your name.
Thank you for the price that you  paid that I always have a chance to begin again  with you.  

Libi Clifford is an AFP executive.